Basílica-Catedral Marie-Reine-du-Monde

Catedral basílica de María Reina del Mundo y de Santiago (Montreal)

La Basílica-Catedral de María Reina del Mundo y d…
Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde (front)Cathédrale Catholique Marie-Reine-Du-MondeBasilique Marie-Reine-du-mondeBasilique Marie-Reine-du-mondeMarie-Reine-Du-MondeMarie-Reine-du-MondeMarie Reine Du MondeMarie Reine du Monde de MontrealMary, Queen of the World, CathedralMary, Queen of the World, CathedralMary Queen of the world CathedralMary Queen of the World CathedralMary Queen of the World CathedralMary Queen of the World Cathedral
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